
Black History Month: 32 Authors

I'm kicking off Black History Month with Alicia Keys entry into the Writer club with her new book. I've always appreciated Alicia Keys since the very first time she appeared with her crystal clear voice and infused her classical training to her music! Classical training always lifts everything you do up to a higher level. I believe it is partly why she's a class act and well rounded entertainer...which she exibits by an app that is the prelude to her book Blue Moon!
Alicia Keys and her Son Egypt

Go visit this article about her book and 31 Black Celebs Authors of Children's books of books featuring several of my favorite authors such as LeVar Burton and books we've read the past year as well as some I look forward to reading.

At the top of my list...

Kim Wayans "Amy Hodgpodge"
Ziggy Marly "I love you too"
Bob Marly "ONe Love"
Tay Diggs "Chocolate Me"

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